Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tales of a Third Grade Classroom: Miss Melanie Visits Mr. H's Class!


Last month, at the beginning of April, my husband and I took the long drive allll the way to Mr. H's class, a gazillion miles away! (Actually, it was 405 miles to be exact.) I can best describe the visit with... PHOTOS! So have a look!

This sign in the classroom greeted us!

Along with some really cute raindrops!

Important vocabulary words that are found in Little Raindrop's book.

Before we began, we had a few things to discuss!

And then I started my presentation!

"This is how I do the art for Little Raindrop..."


My actual original artwork was circulated around the room.
Look at those cute smiles!

The boys even think the book is cool!

An awesome question and answer session!

These lucky kids have a cozy couch in their classroom!

Then I taught everyone how to draw Little Raindrop!

Everyone is working hard!

Can you guess who that is?

The kids were very generous with their ideas on
what Mr. H should look like!

A request for a sea turtle was made, and eventually an elephant, too!

There was a mad rush for everyone to hand me
their drawings and comment cards!

Here's what they looked like. Awesome art, kids!

And then they all surprised me with...

...THIS owl fabulous book!

And they all signed their names, too!

So cute!

I'm just smitten!

And Hubby came along for the fun, too! :)

We all had a really great time, and I even got to bring home our Welcome sign and the raindrops! And THEN these awesome kids all sent me letters, too! I had so much fun!

Next time, I will share with you my visit with two groups of Fourth graders, and also a quick visit with some Girl Scouts! Yay for school visits! :D

Thanks for reading!
~Miss Melanie

Guess where I put all my raindrops??

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