Last month, at the beginning of April, my husband and I took the long drive allll the way to Mr. H's class, a gazillion miles away! (Actually, it was 405 miles to be exact.) I can best describe the visit with... PHOTOS! So have a look!
This sign in the classroom greeted us! |
Along with some really cute raindrops! |
Important vocabulary words that are found in Little Raindrop's book. |
Before we began, we had a few things to discuss! |
And then I started my presentation! |
"This is how I do the art for Little Raindrop..." |
Dawwwwww |
My actual original artwork was circulated around the room.
Look at those cute smiles! |
The boys even think the book is cool! |
An awesome question and answer session! |
These lucky kids have a cozy couch in their classroom! |
Then I taught everyone how to draw Little Raindrop! |
Everyone is working hard! |
Can you guess who that is? |
The kids were very generous with their ideas on what Mr. H should look like! |
A request for a sea turtle was made, and eventually an elephant, too! |
There was a mad rush for everyone to hand me
their drawings and comment cards! |
Here's what they looked like. Awesome art, kids! |
And then they all surprised me with... |
...THIS owl fabulous book! |
And they all signed their names, too! |
So cute! |
I'm just smitten! |
And Hubby came along for the fun, too! :) |
We all had a really great time, and I even got to bring home our Welcome sign and the raindrops! And THEN these awesome kids all sent me letters, too! I had so much fun!
Next time, I will share with you my visit with two groups of Fourth graders, and also a quick visit with some Girl Scouts! Yay for school visits! :D
Thanks for reading!
~Miss Melanie
Guess where I put all my raindrops?? |